Documents on Public Exhibition
From time to time the Regional Council will place documents on Public Exhibition inviting submissions from members of the public/community. Council encourages members of the community to participate in this process and to read these documents and make submissions. The types of documents which are placed on exhibition include the: Community Strategic Plan, Operational Plan as well as Council's Fees and Charges and other community consultation documents.
Documents on Public Exhibition are made available online for download, refer to the documents section at the bottom of this page, or they can be viewed in hardcopy format at the following locations:
Customer Care offices
Council Bicentennial Complex
39 Taylors Road
Norfolk Island
customercare [at] ">customercare [at]
Next to the Visitor Information Centre (VIC)
Council Bicetennial Complex
39 Taylors Road
Norfolk Island
Specific information such as the closing date, how to lodge a submission as well as who to contact for additional information are contained within these documents.
Please note that Council will not accept submisssions received after the closing date specified in the document on exhibition.
There are currently no Documents on Public Exhibition.
Thank you for your interest.