NI Tourism
There are two main roles that Norfolk Island Tourism (NIT) is responsible for.
Responsible for marketing Norfolk Island as an ideal holiday destination.
- To encourage and increase visitation numbers.
- To work with local industry stake holders, wholesale partners in Australia and New Zealand, to deliver outcomes outlined in the Norfolk Island Tourism Strategic Plan 2013-2023.
- To implement a Public relations programme in hosting media and trade familiarisation visits.
- The management of Brand awareness. 360° of Wonder/ There’s more to Norfolk Island.
- To maintain the website and all social media channels.
- To maintain and utilise a database of past visitors for online marketing purposes.
Responsible for the operation of the Visitors Information Centre (VIC).
- The VIC is a 7 day trading business that aims to provide a best practice visitor service by warmly welcoming all visitors and providing informative, impartial advice and answers to any queries.
- The VIC operates the Book Easy reservation system for on island bookings and off shore bookings via the website.
- Staff deal with enquiries received by walk-ins, email, phone, social media or the official website Norfolk Island Tourism.
- A VIC staff person also meets and greets every commercial flight into the island.
Visitors Information Centre - Hours of operation
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Wednesday 8:30am – 4:00pm
Saturday: 8:30am – 12:30pm
Sunday: 8:30am – 12:30pm
Contact Us:
Team Leader Tourism & Economic Development
Taylors Road,
Norfolk Island 2899
+6723 22147
AUST 1800 214 603
NZ 0800 667 365
nitourism [at]
You will also find in the following list of docoments incoming Passengers numbers to the island in recent months.