Liquor Licencing
Liquor Licencing on Norfolk Island is managed and administered by the Liquor Act 2005 (NI), Katie Walden is currently the Registrar of Liquor Licences and is located in the Registry Office at New Military Barracks, Kingston.
Establishments serving liquor are required to register annually by 30 June; the fees payable to register for a liquor licence can be found in Councils Operational Plan.
Businesses wishing to register for the first time to serve alcohol on their premises should make contact with the Registrar in the first instance; Katie can be contacted directly on telephone +6723 22001 ext 126. Alternatively, Customer Care is available to answer general enquiries and can be contacted on local free call 0100 or, + 672 3 22244 or, by customercare [at] (subject: Message%20for%20the%20Registrar%20of%20Liquor%20Licences) (email)
For more information relating to liquor licencing on Norfolk Island please refer to the documents attached to this page.