Council Policies

A Council policy is adopted by Council resolution and is in place until it is made obsolete by Council.  Policies detail Council’s position on a particular matter and provides transparency to the community of Council’s decision making by ensuring that fair and consistent decisions are made throughout Council. 

Policies can be put in place because there is a legal requirement to do so, other policies are put in place to provide guidelines for Councillors and staff to work towards strategic objectives of Council or are administrative in nature.

Policies of Council relate to one of its four functional areas, these four areas are detailed below with their corresponding policies.

1. General Manager
Includes Councillors, corporate management, economic development, tourism, museums and library services

2. Governance and Human Resources
Includes internal services such as policy development, planning and reporting, legal advice, internal audit, records management and public information

3. Corporate
Includes customer services, finance, information technology and registry office

3.10  Unreasonable Contact Policy Register

4. Services
Includes asset management, airport and utility services

1. General Manager

2. Governance and Human Resources

3. Corporate

4. Services