Listed below are the NILA Media Releases for Norfolk Island for the year 2015: Media Releases: 2015_01_23 - Information Sheet 1.docx.pdf 2015_01_23 - Information Sheet 2.docx.pdf 2015_01_23 - Information Sheet 3.pdf 2015_01_23Community letter.pdf 2015_01_30_Petrol stocks to be rationed.pdf 30_01_2015 Community meetings.pdf 30_01_2015_Goverance model costings.pdf 2015_01_30_Your Parliament your voice.pdf 2015_02_06 Norfolk Island Hospital doc.pdf 06_02_2015_Community meetings.pdf 2015_02_12_DRAFT_Norfolk_Island_Government_Strategic_Vision_Framework_for_the_Future.pdf 2015_02_12-Petrol Supplies.pdf 2015_02_13- Solar solution.pdf 2015_02_13_Moving Forward.pdf 2015_02_13-strategic vision.pdf 2015_02_20_Letter to Prime Minister.pdf 2015_02_20_NI Deserves and expexts better.pdf 2015_02_20_Petrol Supplies Update.pdf 2015_02_27_ Fuel Supply.pdf 2015_03_02_Time zone change.pdf 2015_03_10 - Joint Media Release_Norfolk Island_ Judicial Appointments.pdf 2015_03_13 - Observance of Commonwealth Day.pdf 2015_03_13_goverance model.pdf 2015_03_16_Vanuatu.pdf 2015_03_20_Abolition of self goverance.pdf 2015_03_20_Fuel price reduction.pdf 2015_03_25_Matter of Public Importance.pdf 2015_03_27_Commonwealth Cascade Jetty Announcement.pdf 2015_03_27_Commonwealth Parliament Proposes Abolition of Legislative Assembly of Norfolk Island.pdf 2015_03_27_Potential Remains for a Medicinal Cannabis Industry for Norfolk Island.pdf 2015_04_10 - Self-Government on Norfolk Island.pdf 2015_04_10 Media Release - Checking Facts.pdf 2015_04_17_Australian Public Service rewrites reportsdoc.pdf 2015_04_17_Vote on dem.pdf 2015_04_22_CPA Media release.pdf 2015_04_24 - MEDIA RELEASE ANZAC Day.pdf 2015_04_24 Media Release Medicinal Cannabis Industry for Norfolk Island.doc 2015_04_24 Media Release Medicinal Cannabis Industry for Norfolk Island.pdf 2015_05_01_Bay Street Bridge Closure.pdf 2015_05_01_The Referendum.pdf 2015_05_01-Governance change is a constitutional matter.pdf 2015_05_08 Referendum release CM.pdf 2015_05_11 - House of Representatives is being gravely misled.pdf 2015_05_11-Norfolk Islanders agree governance change is a constitutional matter.pdf 2015_05_12 Senate Select Committee Inquiry.pdf 2015_05_12_Waste mangement .pdf 2015_05_15_Reform Bills passed.pdf 2015_05_22_Remonstrance motion.pdf 2015_05_29 Remonstrance Motion.pdf 2015_06_01_Bay Street Bridge Closure.pdf 2015_06_05_ Advisory Council.pdf 2015_06_10_Governance Conference Media Release.pdf 2015_06_12_Geoff Gardner OAM.pdf 17_06_2015_Explanatory Memorandum Amendment Ordinance No 2.pdf 17_06_2015_Norfolk Island Amendment Ordinance No 2.pdf 2015_06_17_Commencement Proclamation Date.pdf 2015_06_17_End of 36 years of Self-governance on Norfolk Island.pdf 2015_06_17_Proclamation Explanatory Statement.pdf COMMUNITY FEEDBACK DOCUMENT.pdf Community letter.pdf MEDIA RELEASE Detector Dog Deployed.pdf Media Release wholesale fuel pricing.pdf NIG_Strategic_Framework_Doc_FINAL.pdf