Listed below are the NILA Media Releases for Norfolk Island for the year 2014: Media Releases: 2014_01_03_Electricity Working Group - Update _2_.pdf 2014_01_03_Portfolio Update _2_ _3_.pdf 2014_01_10_ Law and Order Survey Analysis.pdf 2014_01_15_Increase in Norfolk Island Health Service Charges _2_.pdf 2014_02_ 21_No Support for Norfolk Island Commercial Fishing Industry.pdf 2014_02_14 - Community Law and Order Survey Summary.pdf 2014_02_14 - Norfolk Island Government Welcomes Minister Briggs.pdf 2014_02_20_ Administrator's Term Extended.pdf 2014_02_20_Hospital and Medical Services SESLHD.pdf 2014_02_21_Increase in Healthcare and Medical Evacuation Levy.pdf 2014_02_21_Norfolk Island rated in top ten Pacific Islands.pdf 2014_02_21_Reinstatement of Norfolk Island Language in Title to Legislation.pdf 2014_02_28_Chief Minister's Update.pdf 2014_03_18 - Ltr to Minister Briggs - CDG010 - Cascade Pier Project.pdf 2014_03_20_Norfolk Island Cultural Strategic Plan 2014-2018.pdf 2014_03_21 _ Cascade Pier Project.pdf 2014_03_21_Hospital Director Appointed.pdf 2014_03_21_Norfolk Island Hospital Enterprise Update on Accreditation Process.pdf 2014_03_21_Preferred Model of Self Government.pdf 2014_03_28_Chief Ministers Update.pdf 2014_04_02_Health Services Update.pdf 2014_04_04_Healthcare Rebates aligned to Medicare Schedule Fee.pdf 2014_04_04_New Telecommunications internet carrier for Norfolk Island.pdf 2014_04_17_ Norfolk Island Goverment Submission JSC Economic Development.pdf 2014_04_24 _ Exotic Pest Alert PotatoTomato psyllid.pdf 2014_04_24_PETROL STOCKS TO BE RATIONED.pdf 2014_05_01 _ Exotic Pest Alert Potato Tomato psyllid Update 1.pdf 2014_05_014 _ Exotic Pest Alert Potato Tomato psyllid Update3.pdf 2014_05_14_ AUSTRALIAN BUDGET PROVIDES FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE.pdf 2014_05_16 _ Exotic Pest Alert Potato Tomato psyllid Update2.pdf 2014_05_16_FUEL RATIONING HAS CEASED.pdf 2014_05_16_FUEL STOCKS UPDATE.pdf 2014_05_23 _ Community Title Bill 2014.pdf 2014_05_23_Immigration Review.pdf 2014_05_30 _ Exotic Pest Alert Potato Tomato psyllid Update4.pdf 2014_06_12_Matter of Public Importance.pdf 2014_06_18_CHIEF MINISTER WELCOMES ANNOUNCEMENT OF APPOINTMENT OF NEW ADMINISTRATOR.pdf 2014_06_20_ Municipal Rating Strategy.pdf 2014_06_26 _ Community Title Bill 2014 Have your say.pdf 2014_06_26 _ Exotic Pest Alert Potato Tomato psyllid Update5.pdf 2014_06_27 - Attach 1 25June14 Ltr to Minister Briggs.pdf 2014_06_27 - Attach 2 - 12Jun14 Ltr to Minister Briggs.pdf 2014_06_27 - Chief Ministers Update.pdf 2014_06_27 - Congratulations Norfolk Island.pdf 2014_06_27 - Healthcare Update.pdf 2014_07_03_Comparison of Health Services.pdf 2014_07_10 _Comparison of Education Services.pdf 2014_07_10_NICS Benchmarking.pdf 2014_07_11_Chief Minister to attend Commonwealth Games.pdf 2014_07_18 _ Community Title Bill 2014 Have you had your say.pdf 2014_07_25_Media Release Response to Submission by Former Administrator _.pdf 2014_07_25_Minister Adams to Hon J Briggs, MP Response to Neil Pope Submission to JSC.pdf 2014_08_15_Medicinal Cannabis Industry for Norfolk Island.pdf 2014_08_15_Welcome to New Chief of Staff.pdf 2014_08_27_Electricity community consultation and expression of interest.pdf 2014_09_05_Deloitte's Report.pdf 2014_09_12_Roads Programme 2014-2015.pdf 2014_09_12_Watermill Safety Barrier KAVHA.pdf 2014_09-02-Immigration change.pdf 2014_09-19 Education MOU.pdf 2014_10_03_Quality Row11.pdf 2014_10_06_Media Release funding agreement.pdf 2014_10_09_KAVHA BOARD SECRETARIAT REQUIRED TO VACATE No 11 QUALITY ROW.pdf 2014_10_17_ Traffic Act Random Breath Testing.pdf 2014_10_17_Media Release Loss of Democary.pdf 2014_10_24_Reform Update.pdf 2014_10_30 - Media Release - Seabird Crisis - Phillip Island.pdf 2014_10_31 - Media Release - Visit to Canberra.pdf 2014_10_31 - Media Release - Welcome to the Waka Haunui.pdf 2014_11_07 - Media Release - NIG JOINS THE SOCIAL MEDIA SCENE.pdf 2014_11_07_Response to the JSC Report.pdf 2014_11_07_weed handbook.pdf 2014_11_13_Democary denied.pdf 2014_11_13_Norfolk Island Government Response to JSC Report.pdf 2014_11_13_Response to the JSCReport doc.pdf 2014_11_21_A Better Way Forward.pdf 2014_11_21_Norfolk Island Airport Operations.pdf 2014_12_04_DEPARTMENT'S INTERPRETATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS 1 and 2 JSC REPORT.pdf 2014_12_05_ Health Services Survey Report Received.pdf 2014_12_12 _ Cascade Jetty.pdf 2014_12_12_Draft Health Services Plan.pdf 2014_12_12_Social Services and Tax Plan.pdf 2014_12_19_ Budget review.pdf 2014_12_19_detector dog Norfolk.pdf 2014_12_19_Ombudsman .pdf 2014-05_09_Assessment of Government Business Enterprises Continues.pdf Comparison of Health Services Benchmark Document.pdf Media Release for Rates.pdf 10-10-2014-Loss of Democracy.pdf