Listed below are the NILA Media Releases for Norfolk Island for the year 2013: Media Releases: 2013_01_04_ NI FUNDING AGREEMENT NOW ON-LINE.pdf 2013_01_11_ PUBLIC MEETING - ROADMAP UPDATE and PROPERTY TAXES IN NORFOLK ISLAND.pdf _2013_01_11_ AMENDMENTS TO MARINE SAFETY BILL ACCEPTED FROM COMMUNITY INPUT.pdf 2013_01_12_ SPORTS GRANTS APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN.pdf 2013_01_18_ Welcome to OIC Craig Marriott Principal Michelle Nicholson - Farewell to OIC Vince Pannell Pr.pdf 2013_01_18_ Announcement of March 2013 Norfolk Island Election.pdf 2013_01_19_ RECOGNITION OF RICK ROBERTSON's EFFORTS IN PROMOTION OF NORF'KS CULTURE HERITAGE ARTS.pdf 2013_01_19_ RECOGNITION OF ROBIN NISBET'S CONTRIBUTION TO TOURISM INDUSTRY.pdf 2013_01_19_ Progress Update - Cascade Jetty Barge Proposal.pdf _2013_01_25_ Norfolk Island Marine Safety Bill is agreed by Legislative Assembly.pdf 2013_02_01_ APPOINTMENT OF NEW HOSPITAL DIRECTOR.pdf 2013_02_01_Gerard Downie Awarded Australian Fire Service Medal.pdf 2013_02_01_Recognition of Megan Fitzpatrick's contribution to promotion of Norfolk Island's destination profil.pdf 2013_02_08_ Recognition of Rachel Nebauer-Borg Tourism engagement in Culture and Heritage recognition.pdf 2013_02_15_ PHASE II of RDAF Grants Program Approved - Waste Disposal Ports Project.pdf 2013_02_19_ APOLOGY TO CHIEF MINISTER BUFFETT BY DEPT OF REGIONAL AUSTRALIA FOR INCORRECT INFORMATION.pdf 2013_02_22_ RECOGNITION AWARDS TO CHARLES BLACKWELL AND SIMON SANDY PETTITl.pdf _2013_02_22_ SIGNING OF MOU WITH SOUTH EAST SYDNEY HEALTH SERVICES.pdf 2013_03_02_ COMMUNITY CONCERN RAISED ON POLICE WEARING OF FIRE-ARMS.pdf _2013_03_02_ CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION ISSUED TO NORFOLK FITNESS HEALTH AND PETE'S PLACE.pdf _2013_03_08_ CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION.pdf _2013_03_12_ SUCCESSFUL SPORTS GRANTS.pdf _2013_03_21_ NEW 14th ASSEMBLY MINISTRY.pdf _2013_03_21_ Thanks to former Minister Crean.pdf _16_04_2013_ Ministerial Visit of Hon Catherine King MP to Norfolk Island (2).pdf _19_04_2013_ Thank you to Minister King for $300000 Commitment to Health and Waste Management.pdf _19_04_2013 Letter from Chief Minister to Hon Catherine King MP.pdf _02_05_2013_ Presentation by Norfolk Island Government to Joint Standing Committee 30 April 2013.pdf _08_0 5 _2013 Social Services Comparison update with Commonwealth.pdf _08_05 _2013 Opening School term II.pdf -10_05_2013 APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CEO NORFOK ISLAND ADMINISTRATION.pdf _10_05_2013 14th Assembly affirms Commitment to Progress Reform in Partnership with Commonweathl.pdf _10_05_2013 Land Tax or Municipal Rates on Norfolk Island.pdf _14_05_2013 Finding Joint Solutions to the Community's Needs.pdf -17_05_2013 AUSTRALIAN BUDGET AGREES TO ASSIST WITH 2013-14 DEFICIT FUNDING FOR NORFOLK ISLAND.pdf 2013_05_22_Norfolk Island Relaxes Immigration Controls for Australian and New Zealand Citizens.pdf 2013_05_29_NI Mothers can now return and register their new born babies.pdf 2013_05_31_President of Isle of Man to Visit Norfolk Island.pdf 04_06_2013_Expressions of Interest EMNI.pdf 2013_06_07 NEGOTIATIONS FOR NEW FUNDING AGREEMENT.pdf 2013_06_14 NEW FUNDING AGREEMENT.pdf 2013_06_14 Funding for Cascade Jetty Welcomed.pdf 2013_06_21 MINISTER ALLAYS CONCERN RE BUDGET.pdf 2013_07_04 Public Meeting.pdf 2013_07_05 Visit of Assistant Commissioner.pdf 2013_07_12 Gift of Appreciation Welcomed.pdf 2013_07_19 24 July 2013 Public Meeting.pdf 2013_07_26_ Public Meeting Outcome.pdf 2013_08_23_ Chief Minister's Update.pdf 2013_08_30_Marine Safety Act 2012.pdf 2013_09_05_NORFOLK ISLAND RESIDENTS CONGRATULATED.pdf 2013_09_09_ Coalition Policy Statement.pdf 2013_09_13_NORFOLK ISLAND ATTRACTS NEW RESIDENTS AND INVESTORS.pdf 2013_09_13_Public Forum - Road Safety.pdf 2013_09_19_ Media Release - wcomm.pdf 2013_09_19_Code of Conduct - Jet Ski Operators.pdf 2013_09_19_Congratulations to Year 12 Students.pdf 2013_09_19_FUEL INCREASE.pdf 2013_10_03_ Welcome to Chief Executive Officer.pdf 2013_10_11_HON JAMIE BRIGGS, MP.pdf 2013_10_17_Economic Indicators.pdf 2013_10_17_Policing in Norfolk Island - Reminder to Have your Say.pdf 2013_10_18 Media Release Chief Minister NI Tourism Strategic Plan.pdf 2013_10_18_ Education Review.pdf 2013_10_18_ Norfolk Island achieves another Centenary.pdf 2013_10_18_Electricity Working Group.pdf 2013_10_24 Road Safety Forum.pdf 2013_10_25 - Liquor Bond Discount Policy.pdf 2013_10_31_Assessment of Government Business Enterprises.pdf 2013_10_31_Migration from Analogue to Digital Television.pdf 2013_11_5_ Positive Outcomes for Norfolk Island.pdf 2013_11_15_Draft Health Services Plan for Norfolk Island.pdf 2013_11_29_Proposed Law and Order Survey _2_.pdf 2013_12_06_Electricity Working Group.pdf 2013_12_6_ Law and Order Survey Facts 2.pdf 2013_12_12_Television switched from Analogue to VAST Digital.pdf 2013_12_13_ Community Law and Order Survey.pdf 2013_12_13_Live and Invest in Norfolk Island.pdf 2013_12_18_ Cascade Landing Facility Upgrade.pdf 2013_12_19_EWG Community Consultation Extended.pdf Cultural Agreement Isle of Man.pdf Economic Indicators Media Release 17 October 2013.pdf JSC submission final 20130429.pdf Letter from Glenys Beauchamp 18 Feb 2013.pdf Welcome to New Ministers Albanese King.pdf