Listed below are the NILA Media Releases for Norfolk Island for the year 2012: Media Releases: 2012_01_13_ Children & Family Support Review Team Visit.pdf 2012_01_20_ Road Map - Release of Public Service Review Report.pdf 2012_01_20_ Road Map - Status of Reports.pdf 2012_01_27_ HAVE YOU APPLIED FOR SPECIAL BENEFIT REBATE.pdf 2012_01_27_ Norfolk Island Strata Title White Paper - Public Hearings.pdf 2012_02_03 Road Map - Launch of Administration Appeals Tribunal.pdf 2012_02_03_ Closure of Submissions to draft Temperate East Marine Bioregional Plan.pdf 2012_02_10_Fuel Emergency.pdf 2012_02_17_ Acknowledgement of Service of Norfolk Island Administrator.pdf 2012_02_17_Vision Invite from Minister for Tourism.pdf 2012_02_18_ Pathways to Health Services with South East Sydney.pdf 2012_02_24_ Appreciation to Norfolk Air and Our Airline.pdf 2012_02_24_ Competition - Tourism Accomodation Act.pdf 2012_02_24_ Competition-GBE's.pdf 2012_02_24_ Proposed Marine Safety Discussion Paper.pdf 2012_03_02 Official Launch of the AAT on Norfolk Island.pdf 2012_03_02 TEPermits Advertisements to fill Job Vacancies.pdf 2012_03_02_ Lifting of Fuel Restrictions.pdf 2012_03_02_Argentine Ant update No 6.pdf 2012_03_02_Land Use Environment News.pdf 2012_03_02_Tourism on Norfolk Island Public Forum Feedback.pdf 2012_03_03_ GST and Income Tax Final.pdf 2012_03_07_Outstanding Commonwealth Roadmap Initiatives Chart.pdf 2012_03_09 Road Map Update One Year On.pdf 2012_03_16 Community Survey on Social Issues with the Island.pdf 2012_03_16 Roadmap - Next Steps.pdf 2012_03_16_Property Taxes and Pensions.pdf 2012_03_23 Community response to call for Competition Submissions Final.pdf 2012_03_23_ Reminder to Complete Social Issues Survey.pdf 2012_03_23_ THANKS AND BEST WISHES TO HIS HONOUR MR OWEN WALSH AND MRS BIANCA WALSH.pdf 2012_03_30_ CESSATION OF IMPORT DUTY AND GST REBATES FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS.pdf 2012_03_30_ REDUCTION INCREASES IN WHOLESALE FUEL PRICES.pdf 2012_03_30_ IMPORTANT CORRECTION TO NEGATIVE NORFOLK ISLAND PRESS IN AUSTRALIAN MEDIA ON 25 MARCH 2012.pdf 2012_04_05 PLEASE HELP US PLAN THE FUTURE.pdf 2012_04_05 Marine Safety White Paper 2012.pdf 2012_04_05_ Marine Safety White Paper.pdf 2012_04_05_WELCOME TO THE NEW ADMINISTRATOR April 2012.pdf 2012_04_13_ RELEASE OF STRATA TITLE WHITE PAPER.pdf 2012_04_13_Tourism Vision Statement.pdf 2012_04_19_ Policies to Promote Competition In Norfolk Island.pdf 2012_04_19_Policy Paper- Competition and Investment April 2012 Final.pdf 2012_04_27 Disc Paper- Revenue Measures.pdf 2012_04_27_ Revenue Options for Norfolk Island.pdf 2012_05_04_ Marine Safety Discussion Paper Update.pdf 2012_05_11_ Australian Budget and Norfolk Island.pdf 2012_05_11_ Changes to Health and Healthcare Levy Regulations.pdf 2012_05_18_ NORFOLK ISLAND REVENUE OPTIONS - -NEXT STEPS.pdf 2012_05_25_ Chief Minister Meets Chamber of Commerce.pdf 2012_06_01_ Competition-Tourism Accommodation ATA mtg.pdf 2012_06_01_ EMERGENCY FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR PRIMARY PRODUCERS.pdf 2012_06_07 RESCUE AT SEA - AUCKLAND to NOUMEA YACHT RACE.pdf 2012_06_08_ Contribution to Australian Tax System.pdf 2012_06_15_ REPORT ON RECENT FUEL SHORTAGE.pdf 2012_06_20_ MOTION TABLED IN LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY - PREFERRED MODEL OF SELF-GOVERNANCE TAXATION FOR NORFOLK.pdf 2012_06_20_Roadmap Motion -statement of positions June 2012 Sitting 20120619.pdf 2012_06_22_ Marine Safety LEGISLATION UPDATE.pdf 2012_06_29_ TOURISM ACCOMMODATION LEGISLATION UPDATE.pdf 2012_07_06_ Appointment of Immigration Development Working Group.pdf 2012_07_06_ Launch of Norfolk Island Seniors Card.pdf 2012_07_06_ POST-PONEMENT OF TOURISM ACCOMMODATION BILL TO AUGUST SITTING OF PARLIAMENT.pdf 2012_07_13_ MOTION SUPPORTING AUSTRALIAN TAXATION FOR NORFOLK ISLAND.pdf 2012_07_13_ NEXT STAGE IN TEMPERATE EAST MARINE RESERVE NETWORK PROCESS.pdf 2012_07_20_ Arrival of Graeme Faulkner - Chief Executive Officer NI Administration.pdf 2012_07_27_ Funding Boost for Argentine Ant Eradication Program.pdf 2012_07_27_ Positive response to Norfolk Island Seniors Card.pdf 2012_08_10_ Norfolk Islands link to the Olympics.pdf 2012_08_10_NIGTB 6 month Jan - Jun 2012.pdf 2012_08_10_Norfolk Island Tourism Strategy Community Participation.pdf 2012_08_17_Building standards.pdf 2012_08_17_Community Economic Development Workshops.pdf 2012_08_24_ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS - STAGE 2 COMMUNITY PARTICATION.pdf 2012_08_24_Argentine Ants Update.pdf 2012_08_25_ RECEIPT OF IMMIGRATION WORKING GROUP REPORT.pdf 2012_08_31_ Road Map Progress Report.pdf 2012_08_31_ Strategic and Business Development for Norfolk Island Director.pdf 2012_09_14_New Website Launched for Norfolk Island Visitors Information.pdf 2012_09_20_ IMMIGRATION POLICY WHITE PAPER.pdf 2012_09_20_ DRAFT LAND VALUATION _EXPOSURE_ BILL TABLED IN PARLIAMENT.pdf 2012_09_20_ JOINT STATEMENT FROM ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF MINISTERx.pdf 2012_10_05_ Results of NI Community School Social Surveys.pdf 2012_10_12_ Future Funding and Governance for Norfolk Island.pdf 2012_10_19_ Australian National Audit Office to Conduct 2011-12 Audit.pdf 2012_10_19_ LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 21 NOVEMBER - UPDATE (2).pdf 2012_10_19_ LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 21 NOVEMBER - UPDATE.pdf 2012_10_19_ GST ACT AMENDMENTS.pdf 2012_10_19_ MARINE SAFETY DRAFT EXPOSURE BILL.pdf 2012_10_26_ Commonwealth Funding for Norfolk Island Essential Services.pdf 2012_10_26_ SUCCESSFUL VISIT OF CRUISE SHIP PACIFIC JEWEL TO NORFOLK ISLAND.pdf 2012_11_02_ Mental Health Awareness Week 2-10 November2012.pdf 2012_11_06_ GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FOR NI CULTURAL EDUCATIONAL PARTICIPATION.pdf 2012_11_09_FUTURE OF NORF'K LANGUAGE and CULTURE.pdf 2012_11_16 Business Analysis - Tourism.pdf 2012_11_16_ EXPOSURE DRAFT IMMIGRATION AMENDMENT BILL FOR PUBLIC COMMENT.pdf 2012_11_16_ NZ OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALLIST VALERIE ADAMS VISITS NORFOLK ISLAND FOR IAAF CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS.pdf 2012_11_21_LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 21 NOVEMBER - UPDATE.pdf 2012_11_30 NORFOLK ISLAND TOURISM DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN.pdf 2012_12_07_ ASBESTOS REMOVAL FROM NORFOLK ISLAND.pdf 2012_12_07_ NORFOLK ISLAND ADMINISTRATION APPLIES FOR INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS.pdf 2012_12_14 MEDIA RELEASE_Joint Statement - Funding agreement discussions 2012_ _2_x.pdf 2012_12_21_ Funding Agreement signed Appropriation Bill Passes Assembly Land Mark Legislation Passes.pdf Argentine Ant update No 6 _2_ _2012_03_02_.pdf CHART _16_11_2012_.pdf Land Use & Environment News _2012_03_02_.pdf Marine Safety White Paper 2012 v5 FINAL 05042012.pdf Outstanding Commonwealth Roadmap Initiatives Chart 7 March 2012.pdf Terms of Reference Children Family Support Inquiry Nov 2011x.pdf Tourism Vision Statement April 2012.pdf WELCOME TO THE NEW ADMINISTRATOR April 2012..pdf