Norfolk Island Regional Council

Watewieh (hello) and welcome to the Norfolk Island Regional Council website.

The Norfolk Island Regional Council, known as NIRC, commenced on 1 July 2016.

This website is a useful resource and well worth exploring. It allows you to view Council documents, including all Council meeting Agendas, Reports and Minutes, review all our media releases and Government Gazettes, listen to recordings, or more recently watch a webcast of Council meetings, find out about Council services, access Council forms, as well as find helpful links to other organisations.

It is also packed with useful information. Take a look at our Waste Management Centre's page and learn how to sort your waste, start a worm farm, how to maintain your septic system, and a great deal more.

You can drill down into the policies and laws under which Council operates, read what we plan to do in our Operational Plan, and discover what we have done in our Annual Report.

If you would like to talk with one of our friendly customer service team members, please telephone +6723 22244 or free-call 0100 (Norfolk Island only), or email customercare [at] (Customer Care.)

If you are a visitor to Norfolk Island, or thinking of visiting, we highly recommend that you check out Norfolk Island Tourism as well as the Norfolk Island Museum web site.